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Fraud Prevention

Fighting Friendly Fraud: 6 Tips For Small Businesses
By Nico Ruggieri on December 19, 2022

Your business is thriving, and you're even thinking about scaling up based on how things are going.

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Chargeback Prevention

Holiday Chargebacks: What to Look Out For
By Nico Ruggieri on December 13, 2022

In some ways, it’s unfortunate that online shopping grew as big as it did before digital sales platforms could catch up. Just ask many small business owners, especially during the holidays.

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Holiday Outlook: Tips to Make the most of the Rest of 2022
By Ben Grossman on November 30, 2022

The early reports indicate that shoppers are already out in full force and they're on the hunt for bargains. Take a look at the broader consumer trends and what's happening with your own...

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Credit Card Payment Processing Retail Point of Sale

How to Make the Most of Holiday Sales In 2022
By Ben Grossman on November 22, 2022

Holiday shopping is in full swing with consumers already tackling their gift list and going all out on holiday decorating. It’s a great opportunity for retailers to boost profits as they...

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Fraud Prevention Chargeback Prevention Credit Card Payment Processing holiday shopping, holiday trends

Watching Out For Friendly Fraud During the 2022 Holidays
By Ben Grossman on November 7, 2022

Cyber Monday is still weeks away, but holiday sales have already started to ramp up. This year, holiday season eCommerce sales are 14% ahead of last year, according to the Signifyd Pulse...

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Retail holiday trends business tips

Holiday Highlights: 8 Retail Planning Tips for the Holiday Season
By Ben Grossman on October 19, 2022

The holiday season is right around the corner, and as the old saying goes, those who fail to prepare are preparing to fail. The 2022 holiday season is likely to be a particularly...

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Credit Card Payment Processing Retail holiday shopping, holiday trends Loyalty Rewards

Setting Up a Loyalty Rewards Program Before the Holidays (Tips & Ideas)
By Ben Grossman on October 10, 2022

In business, loyalty wins. In fact, 90 percent of businesses offer some type of loyalty rewards program. It's a way to keep customers coming back, which is much easier than trying to get...

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Retail Point of Sale Loyalty Rewards

Tips Local Retailers Can Learn From Online Businesses
By Ben Grossman on September 29, 2022

Tips Local Retailers Can Learn From Online Businesses While eCommerce continues to grow at a rapid rate, brick-and-mortar stores are coming in strong. Shoppers are clearly indicating that...

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merchant processing Retail business tips Loyalty Rewards

6 Fall Promotion Ideas to Turn up Sales as The Leaves Turn Colors
By Ben Grossman on September 15, 2022

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The Essential Small Business Guide To Managing Rising Inflation
By Benjamin Grossman on August 15, 2022

Businesses of all sizes, not just small businesses, are facing the added challenge of higher inflation rates in 2022. Those without extensive teams or massive inventories may be feeling...

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