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Fraud Prevention fraud management

Tech Advancements in Fraud Prevention & Payment Streamlining
By Nico Ruggieri on April 29, 2024

Discover how cutting-edge technology is revolutionizing the way businesses combat fraud and optimize payment procedures.

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News eCommerce Retail technology consumer trends fraud management business tips

What is Coming in 2022? Trends Ever Business Owner Should Know About
By Ben Grossman on December 23, 2021

It’s safe to say that the last two years have been a wild ride for both businesses and consumers. While a lot is still up in the air due to the ongoing pandemic, there are some trends you...

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Mobile Fraud Stolen Credit Cards holiday shopping, holiday trends fraud management

Holiday Fraud Alert for 2021
By Ben Grossman on November 18, 2021

According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, online sales in 2021 are high and continuing to grow. Total sales during Q2 of 2021 online were $1,666.8 billion, a rise of five percent from...

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